Sunday, 22 January 2012

Soft as a kitten

Needles to say my new Arelalizza cashmere blouse is soft. It´s like another skin, but one that makes you wanna hug yourself!


  1. Anonymous1:02 pm


    I've been thinking about that knit for some time now.
    Have you worn/wash it already? How does it behave? Does it peel fast?
    It's not a piece for 5E so I just want to know before purchase if you are happy with it.


  2. Hey Sandra,

    I have to say that I´ve found Arelalizza sweater quite perfect. Of course the material need some caring but if you wash it gently in some (not too hot) water and comb it every once in a while it is extremely soft and good looking. So if you´re ready to put in some extra effort and care for it, it is a great product!(:


  3. Anonymous11:29 pm


    Thank you for replying :).
    I just had really bad experiance with more pricy cloths that is why I make the knowledge gathering first ;-).
    But I really want to have a good cashmere knit :).
    Extra effort is not a problem for me if I can see the results of it.
    Thanks once again :). Added your blog to my fav :).

    Take care.

